June, 2008:

Finding a Direction

Life is such a joyful experience. It is enhanced by those with whom we choose to connect. Friends, families, spouses, and others we meet along the way teach us valuable lessons. Some of these lessons are learned by the specific guidance someone is able to provide, some are learned as a result of our ability to be of service. It is imperative to make these kinds of connections in order to create a life of abundance and love. Opportunities to connect with helpful people surround us at all times. Whether there is a new skill we want to learn or a new professional direction we want to find, there is always someone there to help if we are willing to seek them out.

My responsibility to myself is to maintain the humility to seek guidance, the open-mindedness to hear new ideas, and the willingness to take 100% responsibility for my life. I must always remember that my decisions and actions create my reality. Only my self-imposed fears and limitations will stop my progress as a person. I have been fortunate to come in contact with some wonderful teachers over the past several months. I have been able to learn a lot about myself and what is important to me. I realized the ways that I had limited myself and have made a lot of changes. This is possible because I both sought direction and remained open-minded.

  • If you are unhappy, find your passion. Figure out what you value, what is truly important. From there it is far easier to find a direction.
  • Seek out people who know how to do what you want to do. There is a wealth of information available to us all of the time, we just have to be willing to find it.
  • Finally, don’t get discouraged. Learning new things can be scary. Maintaining the status quo seems to be a much easier option. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you to live the life you desire.

This is not a race. There is no “one way” to be successful. One thing is for certain, though. Without love and passion it is impossible to truly be fulfilled.


I have started this blog in addition to another blog I post on. The purpose of this particular blog is more professional in scope but it will also be a lot of fun. I will use this blog to make different announcements and post thoughts and ideas. My other blog will remain invitation only to ensure the privacy of those who choose to comment. Feel free to comment on this blog as well, I enjoy reading them.