Clint Speaks

As a speaker, I am committed to providing my clients with a message that is inspiring and passionate. I have given hundreds of speeches to many types of groups including: parent groups, adolescent groups, professional organizations, and many other types of groups.

The primary topic I speak on is relationships. After twenty-one years of counseling adolescents and their families, I decided to broaden the scope of my work by writing Connected:The Art of Building Relationships.

I am available to speak on this and related topics. Contact me at to get more information.

Here is a list of some of the topics Clint has spoken about:

  • Five Techniques To Make Your Business Relationships Go From Good To Great
  • The Art Of Building Family Relationships
  • Manage Organizational Change: How To Navigate Transition And Work In The New Now
  • What Do I See For Me: How To Identify, Release and Replace Any Limiting Belief To Build Success

Some of the clients Clint has worked with include:

  • Advanced Services
  • The Insight Program
  • The Pathway Drug Abuse Program
  • Pioneer RESA
  • Mary Kay
  • Lumpkin County Schools

Here are some comments from a few of my clients:

“Attending Clint’s seminar was a lifesaver for me. It provided clarity about why I do the things I do. Clint is a dynamic speaker and really encourages you to examine yourself in a very safe environment. His words dig deep into the psyche and you suddenly find ourselves anxious to begin applying the principles he discusses. After the seminar, I am confident to make the changes that will impact how others relate to me. No one likes to admit their flaws, but this seminar helped me realize that acknowledging them is the first successful step towards making a positive change in my life. No matter where you are in life, this seminar is a must!”

“Clint Stonebraker is truly a dynamic personality. I was inspired by his workshop on ‘Relationships For The Intimately Challenged’. I left wanting to apply his tools to my life. Clint is an engaging speaker and motivator.”

“Clint Stonebraker:

-Dynamic speaker

-Involved the audience

-The five limiting beliefs were presented very clearly, were very applicable and provided explanations for why there is conflict for me between what I feel is right and what I think is right in my connections with others, particularly those closest to me.

I would have liked to have had more time to spend on techniques for change, not only how it applies to those closest to me but also in other relationships in my life (sounds like an all day workshop now). The ‘role-play’ was helpful – really examined the scenario, more of this would have been awesome. The end seemed rushed – but may have been my perception (I wasn’t done – will never be done!) Over all, this was very well presented and I loved Clint’s enthusiasm, clarity, and respect for people. We need this in our general education for human beings – should be required in schools.”

“We enjoyed it, thought he was a good speaker and got valuable info from it. We especially enjoyed the list of items he covered on how to better communicate. We are trying not to use the phrase “you should” as much now. The only criticism I would have, which can’t necessarily be avoided, is to not let the audience dominate the dialogue too much. It was definitely worth the time and money.”

“I have been extremely happy with these workshops. I look foreword to sponsoring and hosting more in the future. The workshops were funny, relatable and offered practical solutions for making improvements to relationships. Clint was interactive with the audience created a non-judgmental environment and openly shared his personal and professional experiences. Anyone who believes that relationships are an important part of life could benefit and learn from one of these workshops.”

Attending Clint’s seminar was a lifesaver for me. It provided clarity about why I do the things I do. Clint is a dynamic speaker and really encourages you to examine yourself in a very safe environment. His words dig deep into the psyche and you suddenly find ourselves anxious to begin applying the principles he discusses. After the seminar, I am confident to make the changes that will impact how others relate to me. No one likes to admit their flaws, but this seminar helped me realize that acknowledging them is the first successful step towards making a positive change in my life. No matter where you are in life, this seminar is a must!

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