
Weekly Gratitude

As we inch closer to Thanksgiving day, here is my latest gratitude installment. This is such a fun project, I can’t wait to continue it every year. Here are my five things this week:

  • That the election is over and our nation can move forward
  • That the collective will always prevails over petty bickering
  • That I am able to connect with so many people
  • That there is so much information available that can help people improve their lives
  • That all I have to do to gain perspective is look at what a beautiful world I live in

Wednesday Gratitude

As we make our final preparations to come home tomorrow, I am filled with gratitude. Here is my list for this week!

  • For the ability to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a matter of hours
  • For the kindness of complete strangers in foreign lands
  • For people’s desire to find more positive ways to express their feelings
  • For apple streudel
  • For the European train system!

I am very excited to get home tomorrow, so my next post will be from the good old U.S.A. See you soon!

Wednesday Gratitude

As I said last week, I will be posting a list of things I am thankful for every Wednesday until Thanksgiving. Thank you Tia, again, this is a wonderful idea. Tonight I am sitting in Rothenburg, Germany, a very beautiful city, filled with gratitude. I am grateful:

  1. That I live in a time and in a country that hasn’t experienced the devastation that many places have
  2. That all over the world our men and women who serve our country hold their heads high with pride
  3. For bratwurst
  4. For the time I spend with my wife and daughter
  5. For the opportunity to make my world a little smaller

Wednesday Gratitude

I am joining a friend who last year started a Wednesday Thanksgiving countdown.We are posting 5 things we are thankful for. What a wonderful idea that I am excited to participate in! So here is my first list…..

  • My beautiful wife and daughter, they provide me with joy, security, and happiness
  • My strange pets. They are a ton of fun and…………well, strange!
  • This magnificent state of Georgia
  • My ability to communicate,  my passion is expressed through this gift
  • The autumn breeze, I love the change of season!

Thank you for the suggestion. This will be a wonderful reminder of what is important. Will you join us?