business success

Success in Business Part IV: Anticipate Their Needs!

This is a continuation of the series I have been writing on managing a successful business. Much of what I focus on is service. Providing good service is the number one key to success. By providing quality service, you are able to build trust. With this trust you form a strong relationship with your client/customer. The relationship establishes loyalty and generates strong word of mouth referral. No matter how adept an organization is with advertising and PR, without trust, relationships, loyalty, and strong word of mouth referrals, a business will struggle to find long term success.

An effective way to establish these qualities is to have an ability to meet the needs of your client before they are even aware of their needs. A recent experience of mine illustrates this point very well.

I just returned from a wonderful cruise on Royal Caribbean’s Liberty of the Seas. It was seven nights of absolute relaxation and escape. As we cruised around the eastern Caribbean I found myself amazed at the amount of thought which went into the creation of this entire experience. I felt the same way I do when I am at Walt Disney World. It seemed as though they thought of everything.

  • Our stateroom was always cleaned
  • The waiters remembered our drinks
  • The shows were fabulous
  • The pools were immaculate
  • The excursions were easy and fun

I could go on and on. My point is simple. In any business there is a version of being able to leave the client with the feeling that they are important and taken care of. Do you make this a priority in your work? Whether you own a business or not, you provide service to someone. Someone relies on your genuine care and concern. Those who realize this fact and anticipate those needs will thrive. Those who don’t will continue to flounder and wonder why they can’t catch a “break”.

On which side do you want to land?

Success in Business PartIII: The Idea is Service

2883973015_613bed957dRegardless of the business you are in, success is predicated on the service you are able to provide. In most businesses there are so many options available to potential clients or customers, it can be difficult to determine what will make your business stand apart. Often, businesses will succumb to the newest fads and revert to reactionary change without thinking about the most critical ingredient in a company’s success, its ability to provide valuable service.

A business relationship is a relationship. Whether it is between the company and its client, an employer and employee, a marketer and potential referral source, or any other business relationship, it is vital to make and nurture real connections. Rather than focusing on what’s trendy and new as far as business techniques, go with what is tried and true.

  • Focus on listening to the needs of your clients
  • Make sure your attitude in all facets of your business is “How can I help?”
  • Create an environment that is safe for your employees to act on their unique talents
  • Spend more time on building relationships than on creating “advantages.” With strong relationships, you already have the advantage

My company has been in business for sixteen years. I have seen many companies in my industry have to close their doors. What those who have closed share in common is their inability to keep relationships as their number one priority. There is a place for seminars on team building and leadership, we certainly have plenty, but it is far more important for people to remember that nothing replaces a sense of connection.

It is all about service.

Photo Credit: JayBeeClimbsTrees via