
It Takes Action

Lately I have found myself in conversations with people who are struggling in various area of their lives. This should come as no surprise, I am a counselor after all. Sometimes I even amaze myself with my mastery of the obvious!

Anyway, I am reminded that in times of struggle or fear people will often disregard the most simple of tools, EVEN IF THESE TOOLS HAVE A PROVEN TRACK RECORD! For example, how often have you heard, and been reminded, that faith without works is dead ? That what truly creates change is action? That what creates tremendous change is SIMPLE action? When afraid we will try to find the most complex answers to the most uncomplicated dilemmas. This is a popular way to avoid taking REAL action. It is called mental masturbation.

Today I was reminded of an oldie but a goody. The God-box. This post is great. Do you feel conflicted? Are you struggling with some tough decisions? Do you need a little kick in the ass? Have you been whining so much that you’re sick of hearing yourself? 

TAKE ACTION! You are far too important to sit around and wait for someone else to do it for you.