
Be Honest With Yourself: Your Responses Create Your Reality

To begin the process of self-discovery it is vital to recognize the areas of your life that need some direct attention. When you are able to be honest with yourself about what these areas are, you will begin to find the power to initiate change. Positive responses to awareness rely on the willingness to face whatever qualities may be hindering your personal growth and development. A common hurdle is believing other people have caused your life to be less than what you want.

The Danger Of Blaming Others

If you find yourself blaming others for your loneliness or if you are in constant conflict with other people, look closely and see whether you can be honest with yourself. Remember that it is impossible for anyone to control what you say or do. Realize it is only  you creating your problems. Your current situation, good or bad, is a result of a series of decisions you have made and actions you have taken. It is also a result of either negatively reacting or positively responding to your emotions. You are not a puppet on strings or a trained animal. Although past circumstances have a part to play in how you have developed, your reactions create your reality. Ultimately your life is yours to own.

Begin To Take Responsibility

In order to move away from the victim role it is important to pause and take a deeper look at how you may experience conflict in your relationships today. A simple exercise to find clarity may include:

  • Take inventory of those relationships creating conflict in your life.
  • Be honest about your part in this conflict. What can you change in order to feel balanced within these relationships?
  • As you make changes be aware of how much less you are concerned about the behavior of the other person.

It may not always feel like you have a choice as to how you react or respond, but you always do. Be patient with yourself and others. Take the time to think through how to best handle whatever situation you find yourself in. Ultimately you will find more peace and all of your relationships will benefit.