
Specifically Speaking

On a previous post I wrote that there is a ton of information available to people on ways to make positive change. I want to share a few links to people who have helped me immensely and share a couple of book titles.Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield: When I watched The Secret, Jack  stood out to me as someone with whom I could relate and understand. After attending two of his seminars last year that feeling was validated. His approach is very logical and he clearly cares about people with whom he works.

Hale Dwoskin: Hale is the facilitator of The Sedona Method, a tool to assist people in letting go of limiting beliefs and negative thinking. Hale is a gentle man whose smile is infectious. Hale Dwoskin

Jim Bunch: I met Jim in November. He is a wonderful speaker. Jim is very engaging and his message is practical and useful.

I read a lot of books in 2008. For self-improvement  I would recommend The Success Principles by Jack Canfield, Happy for No Reason by Marci Shimoff, and The Power of Your Sub-Conscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. These are just a few but all have helped me immensely. 

I will continue to share what is working for me along with what isn’t working. I will commit to being more specific. It is my honor and pleasure to have the opportunity to connect with you and continue to find ways to improve our lives. Thank you.