Table of Contents

*This is the table of contents for Connected:The Art of Building Relationships.


Chapter 1 The Challenge of Understanding Intimacy

Who Wrote This Story?

Your Success is Determined By You

Me, Scared?

Chapter 2 Exposing Some Limiting Beliefs

“You Complete Me”

Relationships Are HardWork

I Will Make You Love Me

Looking Out for Number One

Chapter 3 We Are Family


Who Are You Calling Dysfunctional?

Who Raised Whom?

Blood is Thicker Than Water

I Love, Therefore I Parent

Secrets Breed Sickness

Chapter 4 Changing My Reality

No Thanks, I’ll Just Drive


Emotional Yoga

Do What Comes Naturally

Whose Fault Is It Anyway?

Make a Decision

Chapter 5 The Joy of Falling In Love

From Cooties to Puppy Love

How Come Nobody Told Me?

Two Strong I’s

Mr./Ms. Right vs. Mr./Ms. Right Now

What Now?

Chapter 6 I Believe That Who Is the Future?

You Don’t Own Me!

What’s In It For Me?

What’s Wrong With Jimmy?

Chapter 7 Learning to Connect

What I Believe, I Become

From the Virtual to the Real

Finding What I’m Looking For


Chapter 8 Creating Fulfilling Relationships

Reaction vs. Response

I Have 962 MySpace Friends!

The Challenge

Chapter 9 Sharing Your Life One Foot in Yesterday

Fall in Love

What’s Stopping You?

By All Means, Have Fun!

Chapter 10 Putting the Art Into Action

 Be Clear About What You Don’t Want

 Be Honest With Yourself

 Define What You Want

 Define Specific Goals

 Let Go and Create Voids

 Be Vulnerable With People

I Bid You A Fond Farewell

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