What I love about life is that there is always a new experience, a new lesson, or a new relationship available. If we remain open and teachable, the Universe will provide the opportunities we are seeking. In this year alone, and there is still a month to go, I have experienced several things I never would have considered and formed many relationships with people I would never have met had I not decided to be open.I spent a part of July in British Columbia, attended two personal growth seminars, and travelled to Germany.
This may not seem significant to some, but all of these actions required a definite paradigm shift for me.
My awareness would never have shifted had I not expanded my base of relationships. It is so easy to get stuck in comfortable patterns. These patterns are very secure. However, until we allow ourselves to stretch beyond what we believe we are capable of, very little changes.
The lesson in all of this for me is to remain open. Look for the opportunities to grow and act on them.
Reading your awesome book, I know now what flying to Germany meant for you!
Big Kudos for the amazing breakthrough!
You are pure inspiration, Clint!
smiles and joy,