Gratitude Post # 3

As a reminder to all of you, I am continuing a tradition I learned about last year from Tia Graham. The tradition is posting a five item gratitude list every Wednesday up toThanksgiving. So far there are several others joining in, so enjoy reading, and hopefully participating, in the spread of gratitude. Here’s my list for the week:

  1. I am grateful there are so many ways to meet and connect with people today
  2. I am grateful I have had the opportunity to attend several events this year at which I have met so many new and fantastic people
  3. I am grateful for the smell, taste, and effect of my absolute favorite beverage……COFFEE!!!!
  4. I am grateful to be alive at a time when there are so many technological breakthroughs
  5. I am grateful for my wife’s discovery and research in to urban homesteading. The garden and the chickens have provided many family bonding opportunities and endless entertainment!

I can’t wait to read your lists, they are an inspiration!


  1. Wendy says:

    Here’s my list:

    1. I am grateful that I woke up so damn early this morning because I’ve been able to get a lot done and it’s only 11:30!

    2. I am grateful that I was able to help my friend get her wedding dress yesterday.

    3. I am grateful for the time that I get to spend with my family.

    4. I am grateful for this beautiful day!!! Leaves are changing, sun is shining, and the chickens are cackling.

    5. I am grateful that I have the freedom to be a homemaker! As my mother-in-law said the other day, it’s the best job in the world!!

  2. Kerry Lyman says:

    1. I’m grateful for my husband, who supports me through everything.
    2. I’m grateful for the TV show Mad Men.
    3. I’m grateful for leftover Halloween candy, especially M&Ms.
    4. I’m grateful for all the young people in my life.
    5. I’m grateful for my excellent health.

  3. rose jonas says:

    I’m grateful for. . .

    1. The blessings of a happy and beloved and loving family.
    2. The gift of knowing what my life work should be and being able to do it.
    3. The people who show up in my life to help. . .when I most need it.
    4. My husband’s amazing recovery from knee surgery.
    5. Michael Bernard Beckwith. . .his teachings help me stay focused and sane in a tumultuous world.

  4. Colleen S says:

    1. I am grateful for my children, Tyler and Allie.
    2. I am grateful for self discovery, and wanting what I have.
    3. I am grateful for the wonderful people who come into my life. I learn from them each and every day.
    4. I am grateful for my ability to write. I get to do something I love and earn a living at the same time.
    5. I am grateful for life.

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