Gratitude Post #5

Wow, this is #5! Unbelievable, for this project there is one more post next week. I’ll say it again, but thanks to everyone who has participated. Maybe we can think of something for the upcoming holiday season? I, for one,  will be posting tips every day between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so stay posted! So on with the gratitude!

  1. I am grateful to be able to connect with people through collective gratitude
  2. I am grateful to have so much support in pursuing my dreams
  3. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to live in so many places in our beautiful country
  4. I am grateful so many people are willing to share their experiences in order to benefit others
  5. In deference to my blog post yesterday, I am grateful for my chickens!

I look forward to reading your posts soon!


  1. lisa says:

    Love reading about gratitude!
    I’ve decided to keep posting about gratitude on Wednesdays. Gratitude is really a constant thing with me, but i find it really fun and interesting, and sometimes surprising, when i sit down to do my Wed Gratitude post. 🙂
    Plus, i’ve been a bit too busy to blog regularly, so that keeps me somewhat regular! 🙂

  2. Wendy says:

    1. I am grateful that Shelby is feeling better.

    2. I am grateful that we found a solution to keep the chickens out of the raised beds (I think!).

    3. I am grateful for unschooling. (I think I say this every week, but it’s such a huge part of our lives!!)

    4. I am grateful for the time I get to spend with Shelby.

    5. I am grateful for incorporating more things back into my diet. (I’ve been mostly vegan since May due to health reasons.)

  3. Lindsey says:

    1. I am grateful that my leg feels better from the spider bite.

    2. I am grateful that I emotionally is feeling better and settling in Atlanta.

    3. I am grateful I get to read the God Memo every night.

    4. I am grateful I have wonderful women that support me and love me.

    5. I am grateful that my mother is my best-friend.

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