What a Joy

Two nights ago I had a workshop in Alpharetta, Georgia. The workshop was on the limiting beliefs we hold onto that sabotage our relationships and ten techniques that will change ANY relationship. The entire night was awesome.

Everyone who attended was involved, engaged, and ready to participate. As a facilitator it was truly a joy to not have to pull teeth to make progress. What that showed me was that everyone there was motivated to better their lives and improve their relationships. In other words how they treat people and themselves is a priority. How about you ?

One Comment

  1. Jack Faust says:


    Your mother sent me the information about this site. You don’t know how proud I am of you. The highest calling one can have is to be of service to other people. You have chosen to share your gift and we all are better for that decision. Keep up the good work.

    Is your book available through Amazon? It certainly got good reviews from your Mom.

    Enjoy your trip to Germany. Even though it has been over thirty years since I was last there, the memories of my time there are fresh.

    The best of everything to you and your family……

    (Uncle) Jack

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