It’s Good to Stretch

I had the opportunity to spend the past week at Jack Canfield’s Breakthrough to Success seminar. What an incredible experience. I had no idea what to expect. I have spent the past twenty-one years of my life being conscious of personal growth and the past week was an emotional challenge that allowed me to really stretch. It is in this stretching that I believe any human being’s personal and spiritual growth lies.

It is easy for anyone to find a comfort zone and stay there. We can even ignore the signs and symptoms of stagnation. We will rationalize our boredom, make excuses for our physical degeneration, and justify our spiritual sloth. Far too many people live by trying not to make mistakes rather than experiencing life. In other words, the challenge of life isn’t simply to see who reaches death unscathed.To me, the challenge is to experience as much growth as possible.

The path that my life has taken today is one of self-discovery. It has always been easy for me to limit my circle of influence because of fearful judgements. However, I realize today that no matter how different someone else’s experience may be, the perspectives they have gained will contain valuable lessons. I have a desire to learn. I have a desire to evolve on emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. A simple decision to let go of my petty fears and judgements allows this process to begin. It is as simple as answering a couple of questions:

  •  Is my desire to grow more powerful than my fear?
  • What is it that stops me from hearing your opinion?
  • Will I go along with what you say because I want your acceptance?
  • Is this something I really believe?

This could certainly be a much longer list, but it is a good starting point. One final thought: any person can change at any point. We are never limited by our past experiences or old worn out beliefs. This is a conscious decision. Decide that you will not be limited by old fears and your life will immediately change. You will find yourself on a much wider path that is filled with joy.

One Comment

  1. Kerry Lyman says:

    Every time I read your blog my decision to transition from my current job is reinforced. It was scary at first — and still is — but it’s also hugely exciting and I’m already reaping rewards. Worry, especially about finances, can be paralyzing. I’ve decided to stop worrying and start doing and experiencing! And, I’ve also found that people are SO supportive and loving if you share yourself with them.

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